Source code for chefboyrd.controllers.model_controller


This is a preprocessor for the prediction_controller. Given data in the form of our local models,
it converts it into numbers usable by the prediction controller.

from peewee import Model
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
from chefboyrd.models import Orders, Tabs, Meals, Ingredients, MealIngredients, Quantities
from peewee import fn

[docs]def polynomialModel(x, *params): ''' This is the polynomial model that will be fit by our algorithm. Args: x : input matrix where the features are rows and each predictor(data point) is a column params : the parameters for the model Returns: sum : the output vector where each indice is a predictor ''' complexity = 1 sum = params[0] for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(1,complexity+1): sum += params[complexity*i+j]*(x[i]**j) return sum
[docs]def sinusoidalModel(x, *params): ''' This is the sinusoidal model that will be fit by our algorithm. Args: x : input matrix where the features are rows and each predictor(data point) is a column params : the parameters for the model Returns: list - the output vector where each indice is a predictor ''' sum = params[9] for i in range(len(x)): sum += params[3*i]*np.sin(params[3*i+1]*x[i]+params[3*i+2]) return sum
[docs]def orders_to_list(orders): ''' Converts peewee query result set to a list of dictionary of lists Args: orders (list): Accepts a list of orders made from a query for peewee ''' orders = orders.switch(Orders).join(Meals).order_by( currentMeal = "" previousMeal = "" currentHour = -1 previousHour = -1 mealCounter = 0 mealDict = {} for order in orders: currentMeal = # Check if you're on a new meal if currentMeal != previousMeal: # Add the rest of the mealCounter to the previous meal if previousMeal != "" and mealCounter != 0: ts = row = np.array([[ts.hour,, ts.month, mealCounter]]) if previousMeal in mealDict: mealDict[previousMeal] = np.append(mealDict[previousMeal], row, axis=0) else: mealDict[previousMeal] = row mealCounter = 0 mealCounter += 1 # Check if the hour bucket is the same currentHour = if currentHour != previousHour: if previousHour != -1: ts = row = np.array([[ts.hour,, ts.month, mealCounter]]) if currentMeal in mealDict: mealDict[currentMeal] = np.append(mealDict[currentMeal], row, axis=0) else: mealDict[currentMeal] = row mealCounter = 0 previousHour = currentHour previousMeal = currentMeal return mealDict
[docs]def train_regression(mealDict, modelType): ''' This trains all of the meals and fits their data to their own set of parameters Args: mealDict : The meal dictionary containing order data created by orders_to_list modelType : the type of model to use(sinusoidal, polynomial) Returns: mealsParams : a dictionary that contains the parameters for each corresponding meal ''' mealsParams = {} for meal_key in mealDict: x = np.transpose(mealDict[meal_key][:, 0:3]) y = mealDict[meal_key][:, 3] mealParams = train_regression_single(x, y, modelType) mealsParams[meal_key] = mealParams; return mealsParams
[docs]def train_regression_single(x, y, modelType): ''' Trains a single meal and fits it to a model to find its parameters Args: x : The input vector(which is composed of rows 0 to 3 in the vector) y : The expected output vector(the last row) modelType : the type of model to use Returns: params : A list of parameters ''' # Train the model initial_params = [] if modelType == 'Polynomial': initial_params = [1.,1.,1.,1.] params, pcov = curve_fit(polynomialModel, x, y, initial_params) return params elif modelType == 'Sinusoidal': initial_params = [1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.] params, pcov = curve_fit(sinusoidalModel, x, y, initial_params) return params
[docs]def get_earliest_datetime(): '''Finds the minimum datetime in the orders database''' earliestDatetime = return earliestDatetime
[docs]def get_last_datetime(): '''Finds the maximum datetime in the orders database''' lastDatetime = return lastDatetime