Source code for chefboyrd.controllers.prediction_controller

'''This controller performs our machine learning algorithms using
non-linear regression fits on the data.

written by: Richard Ahn
tested by: Richard Ahn
debugged by: Richard Ahn

import numpy as np
from math import floor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date, time
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from chefboyrd.controllers.model_controller import polynomialModel, sinusoidalModel, get_earliest_datetime, get_last_datetime

[docs]def predict_regression(regression_params, modelType, dt_min=None, dt_max=None): '''Predicts the usage of ingredients according to our regression model Args: regression_params: the parameters for our model modelType: the type of model you're using date range: the two dates that you want to predict the regression for Returns: mealUsage: a dictionary of meals with associated usage amounts ''' if dt_min is None and dt_max is None: dt_min = get_earliest_datetime() dt_max = get_last_datetime() elif dt_min is None: dt_min = get_earliest_datetime() elif dt_max is None: dt_max = get_last_datetime() elif timedelta.total_seconds(dt_max - dt_min) < 0: raise ValueError("Max datetime must be greater than min datetime") dt_delta = dt_max - dt_min total_hours = dt_delta.days*24 + floor(dt_delta.seconds/3600) mealUsage = {} mealsParams = regression_params for i in range(total_hours): for meal_key in mealsParams: current_dt = dt_min + timedelta(hours=i) dt_array = np.array([current_dt.hour,, current_dt.month]) params = mealsParams[meal_key] if meal_key in mealUsage: if modelType == 'Polynomial': mealUsage[meal_key] += polynomialModel(dt_array, *params) elif modelType == 'Sinusoidal': mealUsage[meal_key] += sinusoidalModel(dt_array, *params) else: if modelType == 'Polynomial': mealUsage[meal_key] = polynomialModel(dt_array, *params) elif modelType == 'Sinusoidal': mealUsage[meal_key] = sinusoidalModel(dt_array, *params) for meal_key in mealUsage: mealUsage[meal_key] = int(round(mealUsage[meal_key])) # Return nothing if the values are bad if mealUsage[meal_key] < 0: return None return mealUsage