Source code for chefboyrd.models.base_model

'''Base model that all new models should inherit from

written by: Zachary Blanco
tested by: Zachary Blanco
debugged by: Zachary Blanco

This alows us to create new models which inherit the DB value and also the __str__
method for printing data for debugging purposes

import json
from chefboyrd import DB as db
from peewee import Model

[docs]class BaseModel(Model): '''A base model which sets up the database connection for all inherited classes ''' class Meta: database = db # Database for customers def __str__(self): r = {} for k in self._data.keys(): try: r[k] = str(getattr(self, k)) except BaseException: r[k] = json.dumps(getattr(self, k)) return str(r)