Source code for chefboyrd.views.table_manager

'''Table dashboard for the manager interface
TO DO: Limit reservation times to after date,limit guests based on table(going to be hard)hmm
from flask import Blueprint, render_template, abort, url_for, redirect, flash
from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound
from chefboyrd.auth import require_role
from chefboyrd.controllers import booking_controller
from peewee import *
from chefboyrd.models import customers, user, reservation, tables
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm, CsrfProtect
from wtforms import BooleanField, StringField, PasswordField, validators, IntegerField
from wtforms.ext.dateutil.fields import DateTimeField
from wtforms_alchemy import PhoneNumberField
from datetime import datetime
from flask_table import Table, Col, ButtonCol
from flask import request
import json

page = Blueprint('table_manager', __name__, template_folder='./templates')

# Declare your table
[docs]class ItemTable(Table): ''' This itemTable class generates a table of the created reservations. It also has buttons to cancel or confirm a reservation ''' html_attrs = {'class': 'table table-striped'} name = Col('Name') guests = Col('Guests') phone = Col('Phone') time = Col('Starting Time') table = Col('Table') confirm = ButtonCol('Confirm','table_manager.confirm',url_kwargs=dict(id='id'),button_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-success'}) cancel = ButtonCol('Cancel','table_manager.cancel',url_kwargs=dict(id='id'),button_attrs={'class': 'btn btn-danger'})
@page.route("/",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role(['admin','host'],getrole=True) # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def table_manager_index(role): '''Renders the index page of the table management page ''' # Populate the table res = [] for person in try: res.append(dict(,guests=person.people,,time=person.booking_date_time_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"),, except: continue table = ItemTable(res) #person.start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") # Logged in always true because we require admin role return render_template('/table_manager/index.html', res=res,logged_in=True,table=table,tables=tables,role=role)
@page.route("/cancel",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role(['admin','host']) # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def cancel(): ''' This handles when a user needs to cancel a reservation. ''' id = int(request.args.get('id')) tables.Booking.cancel_reservation(id) # reservation.Reservation.create_reservation(,,, flash("Reservation successfully cancelled") return redirect(url_for('table_manager.table_manager_index'))
@page.route("/confirm",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role(['admin','host']) # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def confirm(): ''' This handles when a user needs to confirm a reservation. ''' id = int(request.args.get('id')) id2 = 0 try: for ids in == id): id2 = int( break query = tables.Tables.update(occupied=1).where( query.execute() tables.Booking.cancel_reservation(id) # reservation.Reservation.create_reservation(,,, flash("Reservation successfully confirmed") except: flash("Could not find the table to confirm") return redirect(url_for('table_manager.table_manager_index'))
@page.route("/change_table",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role(['admin','host']) # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def change_table(): ''' This handles when a user needs to change the status of a table. ''' id = int(request.form['id']) type = int(request.form['type']) if type == 0: posX = float(request.form['posX']) if posX > 0.99: posX = 0.99 if posX < 0.01: posX = 0.01 posY = float(request.form['posY']) if posY > 0.99: posY = 0.9 if posY < 0.01: posY = 0.01 query = tables.Tables.update(posX=posX,posY=posY).where( query.execute() else: occupied = int(request.form['occupied']) query = tables.Tables.update(occupied=occupied).where( query.execute() return redirect(url_for('table_manager.table_manager_index'))
@page.route("/update_table",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role(['admin','host']) # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def update_table(): ''' This handles when we need to change the position of a table. ''' coords = [] for table in coords.append([table.posX,table.posY, table.occupied,, table.size, table.shape]) return json.dumps(coords)
@page.route("/add_table",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role(['admin','host']) # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def add_table(): ''' This handles when a user adds a table to the layout. ''' table_size = int(request.form['table_size']) table_shape = int(request.form['table_shape']) id = tables.Tables.create_tables(1,table_size, 0,0.5, 0.5, table_shape) return json.dumps(id)
@page.route("/del_table",methods=['GET', 'POST']) @require_role('admin') # Example of requireing a role(and authentication)
[docs]def del_table(): ''' This handles when a user adds a table to the layout. ''' id = int(request.form['id']) id = tables.Tables.delTable(id) return json.dumps(id)