CSE 221 - Operating Systems - Notes on "The Distributed V Kernel and its Performance for Diskless Workstations"
Q: What is the argument for diskless workstations, and do you agree/disagree with the argument?
- pub. 1983
- message oriented kernel
- provides network and IPC
- show diskless access with minimal performance penalty
- message passing facility is comparable to well-tuned and specialized remote file access protocols
- 3Mb ethernet
- argue that diskless stations
- lower hw cost
- simpler maintenance
- little or no memory processing overhead
- fewer problems with replication, consistency, distribution of files.
Kernel IPC
- many small processes communicate via messages
- use short ficed-length message that associate with a reply and data transfer option.
- message exchange of Send, Receive, Reply
- any number of MoveTo or MoveFrom between message being received and reply being sent.
- All messages fixed 32 bytes.
- send(message, pid)
- pid = receive(message)
- (pid, count) = ReceiveWithSegment(msg, segptr, segsize)
- Reply(message, pid)
- ReplyWithSegment(message, pid, destptr, segptr, segsize)
- MoveFrom(srcpid, dest, src, count)
- MoveTo(destpid, dest, src, count)
- setPid(logicalId, pid, scope)
- pid = getPid(logicalId, scope)
- synchronous req-response is cognitively easy to understand
- distinction between small msg and separate data transfer ties in well with frequently observed usage
- synchronous communication and small fixed-size messages reduce mem. mgmt.
problems in the kernel
- zero copy of data with data transfer messages
Implementation Issues
- remote operations directly in the kernel
- inter-kernel packets use raw ethernet link level (IP has 20% increase)
- request-response pattern helps implement reliability with raw ethernet
- mapping from process id to location is aided by a host specification
- no per-packet acknowledgement for large transfers
File page-level transfer require the minimum number of packets.
- process identifiers flat for entire network
- unique within local network
- getPid uses network broadcast
Remote Message impl
- If process is not local uses the NonLocalSend
- remote machine receives a packet containing the request
- remote kernel creates an alien process descriptor to represent the remote sending process as a standard in-kernel descriptor
- original sender re-transmits packet after a timeout, T
- remote kernel can respond with packet, or a reply-pending packet in the case no descriptors are available.
Remote Data Transfer
- MoveTo/MoveFrom transmits the data in a sequence of maximally-sized packets to
the destination workstation.
- single ack packet.
- MoveTo and MoveFrom, there is no queueing or buffering
- basically one copy from memory to NIC, then NIC, to destination.
- full retransmission since last correctly received packet.
- page-level file access request involve intermediate amount of data.
Remote Segment Access
- Previous protocol good for small amounts of data, or tens of packets
- Larger sized require a better protocol
- File access implemented with IO protocol originally developed for Verex kernel
- For a two-packet (data sized) transfer, it requires 4 network messages.
- Double of a specialized protocol
- For a two-packet (data sized) transfer, it requires 4 network messages.
- Receive/ReplyWithSegment
- To put request with data.
Network Penalties
- cost of network is cost of local operation + cost of moving data across the network
- Generally, small
- 8mhz cost (in ms): \(P(n) = .0064n + .390\)
- 10mhz cost (in ms): \(P(n) = .0054n + .251\)
- Pair of machines on network can generate ~ 400kbit / sec
- Workstation limited to ~558 messages/sec due to processor speed.
File access in the Dist. V Kernel
- read page with Send–Receive–ReplyWithSegment
- write page with Send–ReceiveWithSegment–Reply
- Page read/write remote is ~5.5-5.7ms
- Without segment message, cost increases to 8.1ms+
- for reasonable disk latencies, sequential file access is within 10-15%
- access latencies only really need to add network latency time.
- achieve closer latencies for program loading if you can cache programs in memory
File Server Issues
- estimate approx. 28 file requests per second. -> approx 10 workstations.
- improve system by adding another file server
- network not the bottleneck for < 100 systems.
- File server should have general program execution capabilities.
- did not address any security concerns.
Lecture Notes
- SUN - Stanford University Network
- All IPC in the V kernel is based on generic message-based interface
- based on Toth OS from Cheriton
- paper addresses concern that kernel IPC might not be suited for distributed OS.
- why appear inefficient?
- short message make inefficient use of large packet sizes
- synchronous communication prevent overlap of net I/O and computation
- separating data transfer from control messages increases number of network
- Addressed by implementing two new message primitives (Send/ReceiveWithSegment)
- Use raw ethernet frame directly in kernel for lowest overhead
- sync req/resp used to build reliable datagrams on unreliable frames
- reduce buffering
- no per-packet acknowledgements for file page-level transfers
- sync req/resp used to build reliable datagrams on unreliable frames
- Network penalty
- minimum time to transfer datagram from one workstation to another
- includes processor time to transfer the datagram, time to transmit
- measures overhead of interposing network into a local communication.
- argue random remote file access adds only minimum penalty
- streaming
- two level streams: one in network layer, another is disk I/O
- argue neither is necessary