CSE 221 - Operating Systems - Notes on "Scheduler Activations; Effective Kernel Support for the User-level Management of Parallelism"
Q: The goal of scheduler activations is to have the benefits of both user and kernel threads without their limitations. What are the limitations of user and kernel threads, and what are the benefits that scheduler activations provide?
- published 1991
- parallel programs can exhibit perf improvement or degradation depending on how concurrency is implemented.
- threads are multiplexed across a single processor.
- performance of thread management primitives for kernel threads are typically
better but cost of kernel threads is high
- user-level threads are on kernel threads, but suffer an integration problem
- programmer has dilemma:
- employ kernel threads which “work right” and perform poorly
- employ user-level threads on kernel threads that perform well, but are functionally deficient.
- ideas provide
- functionality that mimics kernel threads
- no processor idles
- no high priority threads waits for a processor while low-priority threads run
- when thread traps to kernel, the processor that the thread was on can be used to run another threads from the same or different address space
- performance
- thread management within order of magnitude of a procedure call.
- flexibility
- the user-level part of the system is structured to simplify application-specific customization.
- application can change thread scheduling policy.
- functionality that mimics kernel threads
- difficulty lies in information spread between kernel and application address space.
- each application knows exactly how many processors have been allocated to it and has complete control over which threads are running on those processors.
- kernel has complete control over allocation of processors and address spaces
- scheduler activation is an execution context for an event vectored from the kernel to an addr space.
User-Level threads: Pros and Cons
- cost of accessing thread management operations
- cost of generality
- poor integration in kernel
- wrong abstraction, since kernel makes most things invisible.
- user-level thread that causes a block, the user-level runtime is now
responsible for getting something scheduled.
- OS can’t schedule the user-level threads.
- ensuring logical correctness can be difficult
Effective Kernel Support of User-Level Threads
- OS provides each thread system
- virtual multiprocessor
- kernel allocates processors to address spaces
- each address space’s user-level thread system has complete control over threads to run
- kernel notifies an address space whenever kernel changes the number of processors assigned to it.
- address space notifies the kernel when it wants more or needs fewer processors
- application programmer sees no difference (except for perf) when programming
- explicit vectoring of kernel events to the user-level thread scheduler
- communication between kernel processor allocator and thread system structured in terms of scheduler activations
- scheduler activation has 3 roles
- execution context for running user-level threads.
- notifies the thread system on kernel events
- provides space in the kernel for saving the processor context of the activations current thread when thread is stopped by kernel.
- scheduler activation has two execution stacks
- one kernel and one user address space
- distinction between scheduler activation and kernel thread
- once an activation’s user-level thread is stopped by the kernel, the thread is never directly resumed by the kernel.
- instead scheduler activation notifying about a stopped thread.
- 4 kernel-thread system upcalls
- add processor
- processor preempted
- scheduler activation blocked
- scheduler activation unblocked
- in practice, batches of events are upcalled at a single time.
- most state needed to resume a thread is already in user space.
- kernel-level info such as register state is saved by low-level kernel routines that pass the information upwards during an upcall
- 4 issues in practice
- thread priorities may cause additional preemptions
- kernel interaction with application is entirely in terms of scheduler activations
- scheduler activations work properly even when a preemption or page fault occurs in the user-level threads
- user-level thread that has blocked in kernel may still need to execute in kernel mode when IO completes
- Notifying the kernel of user-level events affecting processor allocation
- thread system only needs to tell the kernel about a small subset of possible events.
- notify kernel when getting more runnable threads than processors, or more processors than threads.
- need to make assumption that thread systems are honest in reporting their processor and running thread values
- critical sections
- user-level thread could get preempted or blocked.
- prevention and recovery
- (for dealing with preemption)
- prevention: need yield entire processor control to user level for a period of time
- identifying required pages in a critical section can be cumbersome
- recovery-based solution:
- when an upcall informs thread system that a thread has been preempted
or unblocked, system checks if thread was executing in a critical
- if in critical section, scheduled via user-level ctx switch
- continuing a lock holder ensures that once a lock is acquired it is always eventually released.
- when an upcall informs thread system that a thread has been preempted
or unblocked, system checks if thread was executing in a critical
- processor allocation policy space shares processors
- default scheduling policy is per-processor ready lists in LIFO order
- scan for work if ready list is empty.
- threads set a flag when in a critical section to allow scheduler to check if thread is critical during preemption
- discarded scheduler activations are utilized for re-use to prevent additional allocations
- added debugger support
- cost of new thread is same as fast threads
- upcall performance is slow
- application speedup not as good as topaz threads on pure CPU
- common thread operations are more expensive
- when IO involved, it gets better.
Lecture Notes
- Purpose:
- solve user-level/kernel-level thread problem
- new scheduler abstraction
- user-level vs kernel-level threads
- user-level threads
- improve perf and flexibility
- runs at user level, threads managed by lib linked to application
- high perf thread routines switch similar to procedure call
- customizable to application
- OS unaware of user-level threads
- kernel events hidden from user-level
- IO, page faults both block the kernel and/or user thread, even if there are other user-level threads that can run
- kernel threads scheduled w/o respect to user-level state
- multiprogramming when OS takes away kernel threads - preempts kernel threads without knowledge of which user threads are running
- may cause poor performance w/ user-level scheduler
- kernel events hidden from user-level
- improve perf and flexibility
- kernel-level threads
- OS aware of kernel threads. Integrated w/ events and scheduling
- high cost to creation
- high overhead: syscall to invoke thread routine, ctx-switch
- too general: have to support all applications, adds code+complexity
- user-level threads
- paper argues that programmers want user level threads
- cheap parallelism
- flexible
- scheduler activations
- pure mechanism that enables user-level to have complete control over
scheduling policy
- vessel for executing a user thread context
- mechanism for notifying user level of kernel events
- data structure for storing user-thread state in kernel
- three aspects of design
- upcalls OS to user level thread lib
- downcalls to user level thread library
- critical sections
- pure mechanism that enables user-level to have complete control over
scheduling policy
- each process supplied with a virtual multiprocessor
- kernel allocates virtual processors to address spaces
- user level threads system (ULTS) has complete control over scheduling
- kernel notifies ULTS whenever it changes the number of processors or a user thread blocks or unblocks it
- ULTS notifies kernel when an application needs more or fewer processors
- upcalls –> see notes from reading above
- upcall points
- add processor, processor preempted, activation blocked/unblocked
- what happens when an activation blocks
- old activation blocks
- OS creates virtual processor, assigns it to process
- downcalls from user to kernel level
- advantage of scheduler activations is that user does have to tell OS of all threads operations with kernel
- downcalls
- add more processors
- processor is idle
- critical section impl
- thread can be executing in a critical section inside the user-level thread scheduler when blocked
- poor performance (blocking on lock)
- deadlock (blocked thread has ready list lock)
- approach
- recovery
- on thread preemption, or unblock, check if in critical section. If so, run until critical section finished
- recovery
- thread can be executing in a critical section inside the user-level thread scheduler when blocked