CSE 221 - Operating Systems - Notes on "Cells; A Virtual Mobile Smartphone Architecture"
- ease of downloading new software poses a risk of leaking information
to third parties
- ARM is mainly on phone - not virtualizable
- no direct leverage of devices from within VMs
- use a “virtual phone” (VP) concept to restrict applications
- union FS to share code.
- user-level device namespace for multiplexing hardware
Usage Model
- foreground VP always rendering, background VP not rendering, but still
capable of processing.
- VP configured with different access rights to particular devices.
- allow none, shared, or exclusive access
- use of some VM technology to prevent privilege escalation attacks.
System Architecture
- virtualized resource identifiers to prevent leakage of information to
another VP
- three methods of implementing namespace functionality
- create a device driver wrapper using a new device driver for a
particular virtual device.
- wrapper multiplexes communicates on behalf of application to
real driver
- modify the device subsystem to be aware of namespaces
- without namespacing, device input sent to all namespaces
listening. Need to implement multiplexing.
- modify the device driver to be aware of device namespaces
- Binder IPC mechanism should not be shared by any other VP
- modified to only list processes within namespace
- User-Level Device Virtualization
- cells boot into minimal root namespace
- custom process for switching VPs
- Scalability and Security
- 3 scalability techniques
- same base file system is shared and RO
- when a new VP is initiated, use kernel samepage merging 9KSM)
to reduce memory usage.
- utilize android low memory killer to increase VPs
- 4 techniques to isolate VPs
- user credentials are virtualized through UID namespaces
- kernel device NS isolate device access
- mount namespaces provide a unique and separate FS view to each VP
- CellD removes capability to create device nodes inside a VP,
preventing a process from gaining direct access to linux
- Graphics
- relies on linux framebuffer to provide abstraction of physical display
- screen memory mapped and written directly by processes and hardware.
- background VPs simply write to a virtual FB, even though it is not displayed
- foreground VP gets exclusive access to the GPU FB
- device driver is basically a hw multiplexer, but only changes when
FG VP changes.
- 4 steps to changing FG renderer VP
- memory remap, screen memory deep copy, hardware sync, gpu coordination
- power management
- background VP should not be able to put device in low power mode
- background VP should not prevent the foreground vp from putting the device into a lower power mode.
- make
call namespace aware to ensure device isn’t put into
low power mode.
- wake locks
- Is kernel ref counter with active/inactive states.
- locked = active
- unlocked = inactive
- semantics kind of like RW lock: many locks make it active, single
unlock though makes it inactive.
- need to make sure unlocks from non active VP aren’t propagated to the
actual system. Must keep track of namespace.
- telephony
- virtualize radio stack.
- VP library communicates to the root namespace, which communicats to the
driver, and finally the baseband telephony device.
- networking
- kernel and user-level virtualization for necessary isolation
- use network namespaces to virtualize addresses
- virtual ethernet pairing to send requests+NAT
- configuration different for wpa_supplicant in all VPs
- switch config when fg-bg VP switches
Lecture Notes
- main point: support multiple virtual phones on same physical hardware
- not a true virtual machine
- virtualize as the OS interface
- foreground VP displays VPs
- remap OS resource IDs to virtual ones
- framebuffer multiplexer most difficult
- foreground VP goes to real FB
- background VP frame buffer goes to RAM