CSE 221 - Operating Systems - Notes on "Exokernel; An OS Architecture for Application-Level Resource Management"
Q: Compare and contrast an exokernel with a microkernel
- OS can significantly limit HW performance for applications.
- Abstractions for HW discourage domain-specific optimization
- restricts flexibility of application builders
- solve via app level (untrusted) resource management
- app must implement
- exokernel is only the bare minimum OS
- exokernel is merely a multiplexer
- Overarching goal is to separate protection from resource management
- Achieve via
- secure bindings (bind to machine resources)
- invisible resource revocation (sharing protocol)
- abort protocol (break bindings of onccoperative applications)
Motivation for Exokernels
- Cost of high-level abstractions
- argue traditional OSes are overly general
- no single way to create abstraction that is best for all apps (hurt performance)
- abstractions hide information, difficult for apps to implement any resource monitoring themselves
- limit application functionality due to available interfaces
- Only applications know what is best, allow them to make those decisions on hardware resource mgmt
- don’t need to cross into kernel nearly as often because most management routines are in same address space (library OS)
Exokernel Design
- programming error in one library OS app should not affect another.
- separates protection and management in a low-level interface
- tracks ownership of resources
- guards resource usage and binding points
- revokes access to resources.
- exokernel specifies the details of the interface
- needs to export hardware, and more. e.g.
- DMA, CPU, physical memory, disk, TLB, addressing, interrupts, exceptions, cross-domain calls
- exokernel only needs to do management in the lightest sense. fair allocation is not necessary.
- only needs to
- expose allocation
- expose names
- expose revocation
- Secure Bindings
- protection of resources
- protection checks involved are expressed in simple operations
- authorization checks only ad bind time.
- implemented via some hardware mechanisms, software caching, and downloading application code
- use large software TLB to cache bindings
- “download code into kernel” - (eBPF-like)?
- Multiplexing Physical Memory
- exokernel guards access to a physical page by requiring a
capability be presented by the accessor.
- use hardware TLB to get virtual-physical mapping, cache some mappings in a software TLB
- memory implementation will vary depending on the hardware.
- may need to guard page table instead of TLB.
- exokernel guards access to a physical page by requiring a
capability be presented by the accessor.
- Multiplexing the network
- challenging because need to inspect contents to know recipients
- use packet filters?
- isolate faults by limiting language runtime
- use runtime checks
- exokernel simply implements packet filters
- compiles packet filters to machine-code at runtime
- increase multiplexing performance by order of magnitude or more
- security issue because filters could look at packets not destined for application. Need to “trust” packet filter installer
- Downloading Code
- application specific safe handlers
- download handlers into kernel for message processing
- can initiate a new message - reply transmitted immediately
- download handlers into kernel for message processing
- application specific safe handlers
- Resource Revocation
- need to be able to reclaim resources visibly or invisibly.
- needs to reveal revocation to the relevant library in order to relocate physical names
- revocation is “a dialogue between kernel and library OS”
- abort protocol when library OS does not respond
- option 1: kill entire application
- 2: break all secure bindings, inform library OS (exokernel method)
- use a repossession vector when exokernel claims a resource back
- guarantee each application (library OS) a small number of pages in order to prevent reclaiming pages with important information (e.g. interrupt handlers, page tables)
- Compare Exokernel and ExOS (library OS) with Ultrix, a UNIX variant.
- Ultrix is a high-ish performing OS, much better than other OSes
- isolated network env. single-user
- Ultrix measurements are “best time”, Exokernel is median of 3 trials.
- Aegis uses time slices to share cpu
- applications can choose how they want to be scheduled
- sends signal to context switch at the end of a slice
- after an excess number of slices, destroys context if failed to switch in time
- Processor Environments
- 4 execution contexts
- exception
- interrupt
- protected entry
- addressing
- execution context define a process.
- 4 execution contexts
- Exceptions
- steps:
- saves 3 scratch registers into agreed-upon “save area”
- loads exception PC, last virtual address to fail translation, and cause of the exception
- use cause of exception to perform indirect jump to application specified PC where execution resumes
- Aegis can dispatch an exception in 18 instructions
- not using mapped data structures so it does not need separate kernel TLB
- steps:
- Address Translations
- TLB Miss:
- aegis checks segment of virtual address
- if within standard user segment, exception is dispatched according to application
- if in 2nd region, checks if guaranteed mapping, if so, installs the proper TLB entry and continues
- otherwise, forward to application.
- application looks up virtual address in PT and
- if address is not allowed, raises an exception (segfault)
- if mapping is valid, create TLB entry and invoke appropriate routine
- checks that given capability corresponds to the access rights
- if so, mapping is installed in TLB
- otherwise, error is returned.
- aegis checks segment of virtual address
- overlay hardware TLB with software TLB
- TLB Miss:
- protected control transfer
- synchronous and asynchronous transfers in Aegis
- asynchronous is the remainder of current time slice to callee
- synchronous donates remainder and all future time slices until return
- Packet filter
- most perf comes from dynamic compiling of filters
- implements pipes and communication quickly
- small VM system (no swap, simple page table)
- ExOS+Aegis slower at protection/unprotecting larger contiguous regions than Ultrix.
- Application-specific Safe Handlers (ASH)
- downloaded code into kernel for packet processing (ExOS side)
- 4 abilities
- ASH controls where messages are copied, eliminating additional copies
- dynamic integrated layer processing (integrate simple data manipulations and checksumming algorithms)
- message initiation (send new messages)
- control initiation (general computation)
Related Work
- Hydra tried to separate mechanism from policy
- in exokernel, sometimes mechanism is policy?
exokernel removes mechanism wherever possible