- Extend SyGuS grammar of possible programs with probabilistic model on likelihood of each program.
higher order grammar from known solutions
- Typical solvers don’t look at likely candidates
- A* search algorithm down the tree
- requires a good search heuristic
- algorithm works on a directed weighted graph, created on the fly.
- generate graph by appling production rules, then follow the graph path with
higher probabilities the production rule moves toward the solution.
- dijkstra’s doesn’t work because it needs to expand a large number of paths
- A* is much faster and is heuristic based – no need to expand so many paths.
- PHOGs - Probabilistic Higher-Order Grammars, new learning method.
- captures positional position of production
- can suffer from overfitting
- new learning method for PHOG alleviates overfitting (inspired by transfer learning)
- key idea for PHOGs is to design a feature map
- paper only considers “leftmost derivations” (production always applied to leftmost non-terminal symbols)
- probabilistic program model given rather than a CFG
- not pure SyGuS?
- heuristic never overestimates the distance to a goal
- PCFG: probabilistic context-free grammar
This paper presents a new approach to solving a type of synthesis problem using probabilistic grammars and A* search. One of the main optimizations the authors present in this paper is the structuring of the synthesis problem as a graph search, where an algorithm like A* may be applied to the search. The authors also introduce the idea of PHOGs (probabilistic higher-order grammars) which allow assignment of probabilities to the problem grammars in order to search for solutions efficiently. Given the right inputs the combination of these two techniques results in a fast search for synthesis solutions. The authors are also able to apply previously studied optimization techniques in SyGuS problems such as equivalence purning and divide-and-conquer enumeration (EUSolver) to further improve the performance of their system.
- optimization on the graph search using A* - seems like a good way to avoid enumerating bad programs. Clear advantage over dijkstra’s
- heuristic is interesting, because it can have a great effect on the search time
- tuning of heuristic could drastically improve the performance without much more effort
- Isn’t based on the original SyGuS problem - it requires a statistical program model
- the paper itself doesn’t consider all types of program derivations - the
authors only consider “leftmost derivations”
- What does Euphony use as behavioral constraints? Structural constraint? Search
strategy? How are they different from EUSolver?
- Behavioral Constraints
- input/output examples
- Structural Constraints
- Search Strategy:
- A* search guided by PHOGs
- Behavioral Constraints
This differs from EUSolver as it doesn’t utilize (conditional) context-free grammars, but rather a probilistic higher-order grammar. Also, it attempts to guide the search further in the tree if the probabilistic model, rather than trying shorter or more basic solutions first
- Consider Fig 2b, where the synthesizer is unrolling the sentential form Rep(x,”-“,S). When the search is guided by a PHOG, it considers the weighted productions shown in Fig 2a (top). What would these productions look like if we replaced the PHOG with a PCGF? With 3-grams? Do you think these other probabilistic models would work as well as a PHOG?
I think this question has a typo. I am going to assume that “PCGF” is actually “PCFG” and stands for “probabilistic context free grammar” assuming the G and F in the acronym were switched.
e.g. for the first line, the production would look like:
Pr(S –> “.” | Rep(x, “-“, S)) = … |
I’ve never learned about 3-grams before. But presuming the wikipedia page is accurate, then you might represent the 3-gram as the probability of a variable x being
Pr(S –> “.” | (Rep, “-“, S)) |
I think these other probabilistic models could at minimum be as accurate if they capture as much or more information than the PHOG. The PHOG attemtps to capture the surrounding context, so for a particular n-gram or PCFG were able to capture the same context, then they could be as accurate. PCFGs don’t seem to capture the search context which would lead me to believe they probably can’t achieve the same performance.
- Consider Example 3.2. Explain in English the intuitive meaning of h(S) = 0.1 and why it is the case.
Plainly, h(S) = 0.1 means 0.1 is the upper bound on probability that S or an expression derived from S could be the solution. Part of the reason is the specification of the grammar. The reason this is the case is that the grammar specifies the production rule of S –> c being 0.1
- Consider Theorem 3.7. Give an example of sentential forms n_i, n_j and set of points pts such that n_i and n_j are equivalent on pts but not weakly equivalent.
pts: {“–__”} n1 = Len(Rep(S, “-“, “”)) n2 = Len(Rep(S, “.”, “”))